Are You Disinformed? Propaganda, Social Distancing and Conversational Interventions

This webinar focuses on propaganda and the intersection of visual, media and news literacy skills essential to navigate the virtual environment for the upcoming election. Students will test their Propaganda IQ and learn how propaganda makers target us and what we can do to counteract it in campaign messaging. Facilitated by Jessi McCarthy, Freedom Forum, First Amendment Educational Content Manager.

This event is not open to the public.

The Walrus Talks at Home: Digital Citizenship

With our digital engagement higher than ever, this is the time to reflect on our online behaviours and assess who has agency across the online landscape. As our relationship with technology and our online relationships with each other continue to evolve, how can we individually and collectively make the digital world better?

The Walrus Talks at Home: Digital Citizenship brings together leaders in the online sphere to share their learnings on power dynamics in our digital systems, the responsibilities of users and tech leaders, the rift between users’ virtual and real lives, the way we nurture positive online community, and the resources available to improve our media literacy.

Join us for this timely conversation about how informed intentional action can foster positive digital exchange.


Balance Your Brain

A webinar facilitated by Jessi McCarthy, Freedom Forum, First Amendment Educational Content Manager.

Have you considered how your confirmation bias reinforces your existing beliefs? How can it trap you in an echo chamber and prevent you from considering other evidence and points of view? What about confirmation bias of media producers — news reporters, bloggers, social media influencers, and other user-generated content? How does their confirmation bias affect the news and information we read, watch and listen to in the digital culture? What can we do to counter confirmation bias?

This event is not open to the public.

Keeping It Real: Exploring Non-Traditional Avenues for Reporting Truth and Battling Misinformation

During the fall workshop, we’ll hear from several speakers who are using non-traditional platforms or approaches to disseminate important, high-quality news amidst a sea of misinformation. In addition to telling about their journeys, speakers will share their professional standards, how they prove their credibility to their audiences and how they are using their channels to fight back against misinformation. All professional communicators can learn from these practices.