Media Literacy Week Sponsors are an invaluable part of supporting the national efforts and organizations involved in Media Literacy Week each year. The funding from our sponsors supports the staffing and infrastructure necessary to provide a platform which amplifies the work of individuals and organizations doing work in media literacy across the United States.

Are you interested in supporting Media Literacy Week as a Contributor Sponsor? The benefits for this level include:

  • Thought leadership article posted on NAMLE website and distributed through newsletter (up to 750 word in length and subject to final approval by NAMLE). 
  • Social media spotlight of organization’s Media Literacy Week sponsorship.
  • 12-month logo recognition on NAMLE website as supporter of media literacy education, sponsor quote included.
  • Logo on Media Literacy Week website and link to sponsor’s homepage.
  • Recognition of sponsorship in Media Literacy Week press releases distributed nationally. 
  • Logo placement and recognition on daily Media Literacy Week e-newsletters distributed to 10,000+ educators, media literacy practitioners, and industry thought leaders.

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