
“Trust Me” Documentary Film Screening

Virtual Event Anywhere

"Trust Me" Documentary film screening with 500 Mexican broadcast television executives, followed by all-woman expert panelists.

Who Can You Trust?

Burton K. Wheeler Center Montana State University Leon Johnson Hall Room 319, Bozeman

"Trust Me" Documentary Screening followed by expert and academic panel discussion surrounding threats to democracy and solutions including media literacy.

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Media Literacy and the Civic Mission of Schools

Virtual Event Anywhere

Come learn about how the media literacy community serves as a linchpin to getting this bill to the finish line and reclaiming the civic mission of schools.

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Media Literacy Packs Power in Civics

Virtual Event Anywhere

Join us to explore how media literacy underpins civics, learn about resources to support educators, and hear about our experience developing a new civics curriculum that harnesses and builds these essential media literacy skills.
