Marietta College has planned the following events for students (click on each day to learn more):
Monday: Media Literacy Week ACCESS — Students can learn more about media literacy and take away resources on accessing relevant information at an info table event.
Tuesday: Media Literacy Week ANALYZE — A Pizza and Info Luncheon will feature two guest speakers, Ann Stephens ’88 (Senior Marketing Manager and Team Lead for Consumer Marketing at Nationwide Children’s Hospital) and Lynn Dosky (Managing Editor, Consumer/Patient Content Marketing & Public Relations Department at Nationwide Children’s Hospital) – discussing analyzing media and its importance for students.
Wednesday: Media Literacy Week EVALUATE — Students can play “Clickbait the Game” and learn to identify credible vs misleading news sources.
Thursday: Media Literacy Week CREATE — The Clickbait Game continues to develop evaluative skills.
Friday: Media Literacy Week ACT — Students make “word bubble” pledges on media literacy action steps and receive candy treats.