NewsGuard: Restoring Trust & Accountability

NewsGuard uses journalism to fight false news, misinformation, and disinformation. Their trained analysts, who are experienced journalists, research online news brands to help readers and viewers know which ones are trying to do legitimate journalism—and which are not.

When did NewsGuard launch and why?

NewsGuard was launched in March 2018 by veteran journalists Steve Brill and Gordon Crovitz to tackle misinformation online. As tech companies and platforms relied on algorithms and artificial intelligence to try to address the problem, the two saw the need for human intelligence to be part of the solution. NewsGuard employs experienced journalists who independently review the top news and information websites using nine criteria for credibility and transparency. NewsGuard aims to rate the websites that account for 98% of all online engagement in the U.S. by the midterm elections in November.

What does NewsGuard do? What are its main goals? Main projects?

NewsGuard uses journalism to fight false news, misinformation, and disinformation. Its trained analysts, who are experienced journalists, research online news brands to help readers and viewers know which ones are trying to do legitimate journalism—and which are not. Its first product, a browser extension free to consumers, allows users to learn about the credibility and transparency of the websites they encounter in their social media feeds or search results. Users see a red or green icon next to headlines, and can mouse over to learn how the site meets NewsGuard’s standards. Each site has a “Nutrition Label” that carefully explains the site’s ownership and financing, content credibility, transparency, and history. These ratings and labels are regularly updated, and NewsGuard clearly lists the names and email addresses of the writers and editors who review each site.

Since launching its extension, NewsGuard has been partnering with public libraries, K-12 schools, universities, and other education organizations to promote news and media literacy to users of all ages and backgrounds. The extension is a research and news literacy tool that helps students to better understand both the sources they reference in essays and projects, and the online information they encounter outside of the classroom.

Newsguard’s icons:


What makes NewsGuard stand out? What would you say is the most unique thing about NewsGuard?

 NewsGuard is not an algorithm. It relies on human beings with a journalistic background to make judgments about the credibility and transparency of websites, based on nine widely-accepted metrics designed to minimize human bias and subjectivity.  Each Nutrition Label provides a thorough explanation of how NewsGuard determined the site’s rating, and ratings are updated whenever sites change their practices, for better or for worse. NewsGuard also employs a SWAT-team—a group of journalists who keep an eye on trending news stories and viral websites to issue ratings and labels in real time. Each site is reviewed by at least three NewsGuard analysts and editors, but controversial or “borderline” sites are discussed by the full staff during our daily team-wide meeting. And if we ever makes a negative assessment or decides that a website fails any of its criteria, NewsGuard reaches out to the site for comment.

Hover your mouse over each icon to see a brief description of the website and why it received its rating:

Above all, what really separates NewsGuard from its competitors is that it’s not just an alternative to algorithms — it’s an alternative to censorship. Rather than removing websites from a person’s feed or search results, NewsGuard’s browser extension provides information about whether the content it publishes is credible by basic journalistic standards. NewsGuard equips people with what they need to know about the news they encounter online, and lets them decide for themselves whether to keep reading. 

What are recent projects or new resources that NewsGuard would like to share with other NAMLE members?

 NewsGuard browser extension is a free tool that individuals, schools, and libraries can install on their computer to help them know their news and become smarter media consumers. The extension is currently available for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, with Safari coming soon. NewsGuard has developed a lesson plan to guide any middle school, high school, or university instructor when using the extension as part of a media literacy curriculum. We have also created materials for libraries to distribute to their patrons instructing them on how to use the NewsGuard extension they might see on the browser they use. Educators and librarians can reach out to NewsGuard if they are interested in accessing these free materials.

What are the connections between your work and media literacy? 

NewsGuard assesses each website using nine criteria for evaluating journalistic integrity. Our criteria look at everything from how much a site tells users about those producing and funding its content, to whether a site corrects stories when it makes mistakes. These criteria enable us to determine our ratings of sites, but they also show our users that they can apply the same criteria to evaluate any news source they encounter outside of the NewsGuard browser extension. By reading our Nutrition Labels and checklists, users begin to understand why they can generally trust the content on a green site, and why they should think twice before reading or sharing an article on a red site. Put simply, our reviews help readers know their news.

Why is media literacy important to you?

Distrust in the media is at a low. As new websites crop up every day, it becomes increasingly difficult for people to tell which sites are trying to deceive them, and which are trying to get it right. NewsGuard wants to help people make that distinction, so that their distrust in a few sites doesn’t translate to a distrust in the media industry in general.

We’re always eager for feedback from our users — whether students, libraries, patrons or educators. Please feel free to reach out to or


OwlFactor_Wide (1).png

OwlFactor News Sources:

Quality vs. Bias

When did OwlFractor launch and why?

OwlFactor launched in 2016. Ajoy and Arjun, the two founders, found that public perception of the news was dropping fast as accusations of fake news and news bias became rampant. Being long-time news readers and technologists they thought they could help by changing how people evaluated news quality and surfacing the best news that they’ve always sought out themselves.

What does OwlFactor do? What are its main goals? Main projects?

OwlFactor instantly rates the quality of individual news articles so people can easily find the highest quality news on any news story. OwlFactor makes it easy for people to consistently read high quality news from across the political spectrum so that they can find common ground with others on issues they care about.

OwlFactor has two main product, both of which are free and available at a Chrome browser extension and an app for Apple phones.

What makes OwlFactor stand out? What would you say is the most unique thing about OwlFactor?

OwlFactor’s has a patent-pending algorithm to rate news quality instantly. The software rates quality in a transparent manner based on signals people intuitively associate with high quality news: deep and well researched sources, expertise of authors in the subject matter, approval of readers who know the subject matter well.

What are recent projects or new resources that OwlFactor would like to share with other NAMLE members?

OwlFactor helps people figure out the quality of news they are reading and suggests better news from across the political spectrum.

OwlFactor scores individual articles for quality based on several factors including:

  1. How extensive and diverse its sources are.
  2. How experienced the author is in the topic.
  3. How popular the article is with readers who have read the most on that topic.

The Knight Foundation published researchthat news ratings can positively impact news reading behavior. We aim to leverage our ratings to help the public understand how to assess news quality and trust the news again.

Anyone can see OwlFactor ratings on news they read via a free Chrome extension or mobile app, both available at

The news quality vs. bias chart below was built based on scores from 180,000 articles in May 2018. The data highlights several smaller publications, often focused on specific topics, that write some of the best researched news. Reading a mix of such sources across the political spectrum will help people understand the broader story on complex issues reported in the news.

CivikOwl quality vs. bias chart - July 2018 Final

What are the connections between your work and media literacy?

The International Federation of Library Associations has guidelines for how to spot fake news and general media literacy. Their recommendations are core to how we developed our algorithm and encouraged us to be transparent in how our product works so that people can improve their media literacy skills even without tools to help.

Why is media literacy important to you?

Media literacy is crucial for citizens to be properly informed on issues they care about and to vote accordingly for candidates who they feel are best positioned to solve these issues. This is fundamental to a healthy democracy and, speaking as a father of two young children, crucial for leaving a better world for the next generation.

Anything else about want our readers to know about OwlFactor, your mission, your staff?

Our business model is not advertising based but rather an optional single subscription to access all paywalled news sites. We believe this will sustainably increase revenues for the best news outlets and encourage higher quality reporting.

Finally, the company is in its early days with its product development so feedback is really appreciated on what works and what improvements you’d like to see. Please email arjunm@civikowl.comwith any suggestions or criticism.

Holy – Fun & Religion

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora interpretaris eum ad. Sed erant nullam molestie no, id nam scripta viderer moderatius. Legimus delicata quo eu, vis ex simul libris noster, duo te aeterno reformidans. Has cu errem maiestatis percipitur, ea malis ludus sed, eu quis doctus reprehendunt mea. Ea choro definitiones sit. At duo detraxit definitionem.

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An velit malorum pri. Ne suas vocibus consectetuer mei, ex soleat libris alterum per. Eum ea tollit qualisque tincidunt, recteque adversarium mei ut, te novum corpora vel. Probo veniam possim cu eum. At duo bonorum nonumes omnesque.

Vide velit affert at eos, no mel saperet percipit iudicabit, ei sea antiopam persecuti. Ut iisque nostrud eam. Sit habemus erroribus et. Paulo prodesset disputando his cu, duis disputando his ad, vim invenire patrioque ex.

No moderatius definiebas eloquentiam duo, ut audire vituperatoribus has. Rebum vituperata eos ea, solum paulo sit cu. Vim mazim sanctus feugait ad, pri munere commune id. Eu viderer pertinax tincidunt vim, cu iusto eripuit has, ei vim solum solet oblique. Sint sadipscing reprehendunt ei ius, te iriure vocibus nec. Perfecto convenire pro cu. Usu no decore nostrud quaestio, delenit concludaturque eum ut, pro idque omnesque ut.

Party Dance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora interpretaris eum ad. Sed erant nullam molestie no, id nam scripta viderer moderatius. Legimus delicata quo eu, vis ex simul libris noster, duo te aeterno reformidans. Has cu errem maiestatis percipitur, ea malis ludus sed, eu quis doctus reprehendunt mea. Ea choro definitiones sit. At duo detraxit definitionem.

Eros delectus pro no, id posse docendi pericula his. Ut quas omnium scribentur has, choro tincidunt ei est. Iuvaret ornatus utroque eu his, has viderer alterum ne, aliquando concludaturque vis et. In duis ocurreret consequat qui. Tota inimicus ea vim.

An velit malorum pri. Ne suas vocibus consectetuer mei, ex soleat libris alterum per. Eum ea tollit qualisque tincidunt, recteque adversarium mei ut, te novum corpora vel. Probo veniam possim cu eum. At duo bonorum nonumes omnesque.

Vide velit affert at eos, no mel saperet percipit iudicabit, ei sea antiopam persecuti. Ut iisque nostrud eam. Sit habemus erroribus et. Paulo prodesset disputando his cu, duis disputando his ad, vim invenire patrioque ex.

No moderatius definiebas eloquentiam duo, ut audire vituperatoribus has. Rebum vituperata eos ea, solum paulo sit cu. Vim mazim sanctus feugait ad, pri munere commune id. Eu viderer pertinax tincidunt vim, cu iusto eripuit has, ei vim solum solet oblique. Sint sadipscing reprehendunt ei ius, te iriure vocibus nec. Perfecto convenire pro cu. Usu no decore nostrud quaestio, delenit concludaturque eum ut, pro idque omnesque ut.