What is Create?
In media literacy, media creation is a form of expression. It encompasses learning how to express ideas through media and communication tools and using that power to create media narratives beyond those that exist in mainstream media.
One must first be able to access, analyze, and evaluate how mainstream media narratives are produced in order to subvert those narratives in their own media creations. One must also understand their own agenda, intent, and bias when creating media.
Media creators may also use existing media to create new ideas and content. Creation is a larger category that includes (but is not limited to):
- Writing,
- Speaking,
- Conceptualizing new ideas,
- Making art: visual, digital, audio, theatrical,
- Posting and sharing on social media,
- Communicating with others,
- Constructing visual information or content.
Key Questions to ask when Creating media messages:
- Is this fact, my opinion, or something else?
- What are my sources of information?
- How might different people understand this message differently?
- Who might benefit from this message?
- Who might be harmed by it?
- What actions do I want people to take in response to this message?
- What ideas, values, information, or points of view are overt? Implied?
- What is left out that might be important to know?

Additional Resources
Why and How to Use YouTube Video Essays in Your Classroom
Common Sense Education
Here are some digital tools for a more productive — and fun — summer
Key Questions to Ask When Creating Media Messages
Project Look Sharp
Applied Digital Skills
A Curriculum for
Digital Media Creation
Apple, Inc.
University of Notre Dame
Code of
Best Practices in
Fair Use for
Media Literacy
Media Education Lab
Digital Storytelling Challenges
Meridian Stories
Contact us: medialiteracyweek@namle.net
A special thanks to Christopher Sperry and Cyndy Scheibe of Project Look Sharp, Jimmeka Anderson of I Am Not the Media, and Natasha Casey, PhD for their contributions in developing this content.