Join this free documentary screening co-hosted by the Alaska Teen Media Institute, UAA Department of Journalism and Public Communications, The Northern Light and KRUA. Open to all students, staff, faculty and the community. Doors open at 6 p.m. The film begins at 6:30 and will be followed by a panel discussion on the film and Media Literacy.
About the Film
“TRUST ME” shows how an avalanche of biased news and misinformation is undermining trust in society. This drives fear, which promotes racism, political polarization and mental health disorders. When fear goes up it erodes trust. When people don’t trust each other, they don’t help each other and progress stalls. Sensational media take advantage of our survival instincts to earn more clicks and ad revenue with shocking headlines that we enable each time we share. “TRUST ME” uses compelling human stories, facts and expert voices to show empirical realities and the right way to consume media.
About the Hosts
The Alaska Teen Media Institute is a local organization that provides teens and young adults with the tools and training needed to produce stories and with the opportunity for their stories – told in their own voices – to be shared through a variety of media. ATMI believes the teen perspective is valuable and is under-represented. ATMI’s News Literacy Program provides young people with information and skills on discerning reliable forms of media in order to make informed decisions for themselves and their community.
The Department of Journalism and Public Communications teaches students the skills of multimedia journalism and strategic communications — skills that are required in almost every field — media, government, business, health and science.
The Northern Light and KRUA are the University of Alaska Anchorage’s student news and radio organizations.